Products Introduction
Since 1927 we have been developing and producing energy storage systems to German Quality Standard with the claim of standard quality worldwide. To date, many of our developments have led the way in the market for industrial batteries. We supply you with the correct motive power energy system for every industrial application: energy for fork-lift trucks, shelf-access equipment, storage technology and driverless transportation systems, for cleaning machinery, hoisting platforms and wheelchairs. You receive all relevant technologies from one source: lead-acid, nickel-technology, emission- free propulsion and hybrid-technology. Thus energy becomes synergy. Our family of products “trak®” covers batteries and charging technologies. This offer also encompasses the setting up and optimization of charging stations as well as battery changing facilities and vehicle fleet management systems.
Our flexible settlement models make possible a demand-oriented usage of energy, tailored to meet your individual requirements. Profit lastingly from the maximum energy availability and the efficiency of our energy concepts.